This programme explores strengths that Individuals, families, communities, and institutions can utilise to promote positive outcomes when understood and applied correctly. Strengths-based interventions do not try to ignore the challenges and difficulties; merely by enabling the capacity, skills, knowledge, connections and potential of people and communities rather than their limits, people are empowered to learn, develop and change. The importance of the environment and the multiple contexts that might influence people’s lives is also acknowledged and explored. A process of quality intervention development and evaluation is adopted, with the aim of contributing towards evidence-based practice.
Thyer, B. A.
Journal of Teaching in Social WorkKruger, S., Deacon, E., Van Rensburg, E., & Segal, D.
Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes and Healthcare-Diabetes Clinical EpidemiologyMabvurira, V., & Lalla, V.
African Journal of Gender, Society and DevelopmentDe Klerk, E., Deacon, E., & van Rensburg, E.
Journal of Adolescence